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Idaho State University home

 The Counseling and Mental Health Center (CMHC)

Counseling Services are Available

If you wish to initiate services, please call us (Monday-Friday, 8 am - 5 pm, 7:30 am - 4 pm in summer) for appointment information and availability. We will guide you through the process of completing initial paperwork and obtaining an appointment for a secure and confidential meeting with a mental health provider. 

Pocatello: (208) 282-2130
Idaho Falls: (208) 282-7750
Meridian: (208) 373-1732
If you are in urgent need, please call the Suicide and Crisis Lifeline at 988
If your concerns are life threatening, call 911



Many people find that self-help books are a useful complement to receiving in-person counseling services. The CMHC self-guided resource library page includes a list of recommended resources on topics relevant to mental health and wellness that are available through ISU libraries that you may find helpful in improving your well-being.

Our Coping with Hardship handout can also help you recognize and understand reactions to stressful situations, and includes contact information for ISU and community resources.

The CMHC is committed to providing an accessible environment for individuals with disabilities. To ensure equal access please contact ISU Disability Services to engage in a confidential conversation about the process for requesting accommodations. 

CMHC is committed to supporting all students who have experienced the trauma and mental health consequences of violence and oppression. Furthermore, we commit ourselves to work to advance the rights of those who are devalued by our society.